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Computer Architecture Formulas


  1. CPU time = Instruction count ×\times Clock Cycles per instruction ×\times Clock cycle time

  2. X is n times faster than Y:n=Execution timey/ Execution timex=Performancex/ PerformanceyX \text{ is } n \text{ times faster than } Y: n = \text{Execution time}_y / \text{ Execution time}_x = \text{Performance}_x / \text{ Performance}_y

  3. Amdahl's Law:

    Speedupoverall=Execution timeoldExecution timenew=1(1Fractionenhanced)+SpeedupenhancedFractionenhanced\text{Speedup}_{overall} = \frac{\text{Execution time}_{old}}{\text{Execution time}_{new}} = \frac{1}{\lparen 1 - \text{Fraction}_{enhanced}\rparen + \frac{\text{Speedup}_{enhanced}}{\text{Fraction}_{enhanced}}}

  4. Energydynamic α 1/2×Capacitive load×Voltage2\text{Energy}_{dynamic}\space\alpha\space 1 / 2 \times \text{Capacitive load} \times \text{Voltage}^2

  5. Powerdynamic α 1/2×Capacitive load×Voltage2×Frequency switched\text{Power}_{dynamic}\space\alpha\space 1 / 2 \times \text{Capacitive load} \times \text{Voltage}^2 \times \text{Frequency switched}

  6. Powerstatic α Currentstatic×Voltage\text{Power}_{static}\space\alpha\space \text{Current}_{static} \times \text{Voltage}

  7. Availability = Mean time to fail / (Mean time to fail + Mean time to repair)

  8. Die yield = Wafer yield×1(1+Defects per unit area×Die area)N\text{Wafer yield} \times \frac{1} {\lparen 1 + \text{Defects per unit area}\times \text{Die area}\rparen ^N}

    where Wafer yield accounts for wafer that are so bad they need not be tested and NN is a parameter called the process-complexity factor, a measure of manufacturing difficulty. NN ranges from 11.5 to 15.5 for a 40nm process (in 2010).

  9. Means - arithmetic (AM), weighted arithmetic (WAM), and geometric (GM):

    AM=1ni=1NTimei\text{AM} = \frac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} \text{Time}_{i}

    WAM=1ni=1NWeighti×Timei\text{WAM} = \frac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} \text{Weight}_{i} \times \text{Time}_{i}

    GM=i=1NTimein\text{GM} = \sqrt[n]{\prod\limits_{i=1}^{N} \text{Time}_{i}}

    where Timei\text{Time}_i is the execution time for the iith program of a total of nn in the workload, Weighti\text{Weight}_i is the weighting of the iith program in the workload.

  10. Average memory-access time =Hit time+Miss rate×Miss Penalty= \text{Hit time} + \text{Miss rate} \times \text{Miss Penalty}

  11. Misses per instructions =Miss rate×Memory access per instruction= \text{Miss rate} \times \text{Memory access per instruction}

  12. Cache index size: 2index=Cache size/(Block size×Set associativity)2^{index} = \text{Cache size} / \lparen\text{Block size} \times \text{Set associativity}\rparen

  13. Power Utilization Effectiveness (PUE) of a Warehouse Scale Computer =Total Facility PowerIT Equipment Power= \frac{\text{Total Facility Power}}{\text{IT Equipment Power}}

Rules of Thumb

Amdahl/Case Rule

A balanced computer system needs about 1 MB of the main memory capacity and 1 megabit per second of I/O bandwidth per MIPs of CPU performance.

90/10 Locality Rule

A program executes about 90% of its instructions in 10% of its code.

Bandwidth Rule

Bandwidth grows by at least the square of the improvement in latency.

2:1 Cache Rule

The miss rate of a direct-mapped cache of size NN is about the same as a two-way set-associative cache of size N2\frac{N}{2}.

Dependability Rule

Design with no single point of failure.