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Global And Local Variables

variables are generally considered local in python
unless they are explicitly defined as globally

however, this is considered a bad programming style

In Functions

def hello():
s = "John"
print("hello " + s)

s = "Jane"
# hello John

print("Hello2 " + s)
# Hello2 Jane
def hello():
print("hello " + s)
s = "John"
print("hello " + s)

s = "Jane"
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
# File "<stdin>", line 2, in hello
# UnboundLocalError:

a variable cannot be local and global at the same time

therefore python considers the variable s as local
but since this variable gets a value only after the call, an error is generated

but you can also write to a global variable, but you have to define it as global with the function global.

def hello():
global s
print("Hello1 " + s)
s = "John"
print("Hello2 " + s)

s = "Jane"
# Hello1 Jane
# Hello2 John

print("Hello3 " + s)
# Hello3 John